Arabic Soft Skills

TA3LEEM’s comprehensive library of courses is adjusted to benefit the GCC companies in accordance with current nationalization policies that prioritize upscaling resident workforce.


Ta3leem content library contains hundreds of Arabic training videos on key topics, including business and soft skills,
leadership, customer service, HR, Project management, and more. Our eLearning specialization courses have an
interactive component and are organized as sessions. Throughout the learning journey, the material is continuously
reinforced with quizzes and assignments.

The eLearning content is authored by top minds in the business and education and is designed for professionals seeking
to strengthen their skills in an effective and efficient manner, giving them the right set of tools and expertise, as well as a
firm foundation for future growth.

Project manager

Rafi Kachadrian

+389 76 350 582

+966 11 464 4865 ext.6649
+971 4 447 5711 ext.6649


• powerful video-based and animated models

• in-course tests

• 30 + courses

• courses available in Arabic language

• e-book

Time & Money

Your team can access content anywhere and anytime without the need to take time out from their jobs to attend classes. But eLearning is also cost-effective, and companies save a substantial amount on travel and accommodation costs of both learners and instructors, as well as the venue and materials.


Our presence in the learning business has allowed us to observe the difference among each instructor’s method of teaching. This difference is deducted to zero with eLearning. Online learning provides consistent and standardized training every time. Each learner goes through the same experience regardless of when and where he or she takes the course.

Personalize The
Learning Experience

When training your workforce, there’s an abundance of unique preferences and learning goals that need to be fulfilled. eLearning makes it possible to cater to individual needs by allowing learners to choose their learning path and navigate at their own pace.

High Learning

Online learning results in a higher knowledge retention rate due to such factors as coursework being available for several takes and following at own pace.

Measure ROI & Learner Progress

An LMS is mandatory for eLearning. But, apart from a systemized learning experience, and Learning Management System will allow you to track learner progress and report on this activity. An LMS will also let you know how